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Constitution of the Senior Officers’ Mess




The Mess will be known as 'The Hong Kong Police Senior Officers' Mess'.



To provide social amenities for officers of the rank of Superintendent and above, and civilian equivalents, of the Hong Kong Police Force.



a.     Full Membership


Full membership will be offered to:



All officers of the substantive rank of Superintendent and above, of the Hong Kong Police Force.



Such civilian officers of the Hong Kong Police Force who are members of the Permanent and Pensionable Establishment of the Hong Kong Government, who are already associate members of the Mess, and who are invited to become full members by the Mess Committee.



All officers who retire as full members but who continue in service on pension or agreement; until their service with the Hong Kong Police or Government is concluded.


Full members shall be entitled to use all the facilities of the Mess and to attend all Mess functions, other than private functions. They shall have voting rights at all General Meetings of the Mess.


b. Associate Membership


Associate membership will be offered to:



Such civilian officers of the Hong Kong Police Force who are invited to become associate members by the Mess Committee.



Such other persons who are attached full time to the Hong Kong Police Force and who are invited to become associate members by the Mess Committee.


Any civilian officer of the Hong Kong Police Force or such other person who is attached full time to the Hong Kong Police Force may apply in writing to the Mess Committee for associate membership of the Mess providing he or she is of equivalent status to a Superintendent or above. The Mess Committee will subsequently either accept or reject the application.


c. Temporary Membership


Under exceptional circumstances and subject to the absolute discretion of the Mess Committee, temporary membership will be offered to such persons who are invited to become temporary members by the Mess Committee provided that the length of such membership will not be more than 12 months on each occasion and the exact period thereof will be determined by the Mess Committee taking into consideration the circumstances of each case.


d. Life Membership


All retiring full members, whose service with the Hong Kong Police or Government has concluded, will be offered life membership.


e. Honorary Membership


Honorary membership will be offered to:



All officers of the rank of Superintendent and above of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force.



All honorary officers of the rank of Superintendent and above of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force.



Any person who has been granted honorary membership in accordance with the terms of any previous constitution of the Mess.



Such persons who are not otherwise eligible for full, associate or honorary membership under the terms of this constitution, who are invited to become honorary members by the Mess Committee.


Associate, temporary, life and honorary members shall be entitled to use all the facilities of the Mess.  They shall have no voting rights at General Meetings of the Mess.  Save for temporary members, they will be permitted to attend organised Mess functions, other than private functions, at the discretion of the Mess Committee.


A decision by the Mess Committee to invite any person to become a full, associate, temporary or honorary member of the Mess must be unanimous and shall be recorded on the Mess Committee minutes.


The Hon. Secretary shall maintain a register containing the following particulars:



The name, title, honours and address of all members.



The date they became members.



Category of membership.



The date of any change of category of membership.


It shall be the responsibility of all members to inform the Hon. Secretary of any changes in their particulars and any matter which may affect their membership status.



Office bearers of the Mess will be:


a. Honorary President - Ex officio - Commissioner of Police.

b. President of the Mess Committee (PMC).

c. Hon. Secretary.

d. Hon. Treasurer.


At formal Mess functions the most junior member present shall act as Vice-President but this shall not thereby constitute him an office bearer of the Mess.



The Mess Committee will be chaired by the PMC and comprising Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer together with four other standing members.  The PMC will be appointed by the Honorary President - Ex officio normally for a term of two years and not more than four years in total. Other Committee members will be elected by ballot at an Annual General Meeting.  Each nominee for the Mess Committee must be proposed by two full members and the ballot paper must be signed by the nominee, signifying his or her agreement.


Where, at an Annual General Meeting, the number of nominees does not exceed the number of places on the Mess Committee, the election will be by acclamation.


A quorum for a Mess Committee Meeting will consist of four members, including at least one office bearer.  The Mess Committee is empowered to co-opt office bearers and committee members when a vacancy occurs on the Committee due to the absence of a member during his term of office and, in addition to such standing members, the Committee may co-opt other members as necessary.



A general meeting of the Mess called the Annual General Meeting will normally be held during the month of May.


General Meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be known as Extraordinary General Meetings.


An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request in writing of not less than five members.  Such requests will contain the substance of the reasons for the calling of the meeting and will be sent to the Hon. Secretary. A meeting will be held within ten days of receipt of the request.

Each member shall be given at least seven days notice in writing of the time, venue, and business of a General Meeting.


The quorum for a General Meeting will consist of not less than 10 per cent of the number of full members of the Mess.


If members present at a General Meeting cannot form a quorum, the PMC will delay opening of the Meeting for 30 minutes, at the end of which those full members who are present shall form a quorum.


Voting, other than for the election of the Committee, shall be by a show of hands.


A resolution passed at a General Meeting in accordance with the Constitution shall be binding upon all members of the Mess.



The Mess shall be managed by a Committee constituted in accordance with the provisions hereof.  Subject to the Constitution and any resolution passed in a General Meeting of the Mess, the Committee shall have the absolute discretion to conduct the affairs of the Mess as it thinks fit inclusive of, inter alia, the power to delegate, authorize and engage any one or more of its Committee members to conduct and/or enter into any kind of affairs, contract or agreement on behalf of the Committee, which shall be binding upon all members of the Mess.



Copies of the minutes of all Mess Committee Meetings will be made available to all full members of the Mess as soon as practicable after such meetings.



The finances of the Mess will be vested in the hands of the Mess Committee who will instruct the Hon. Treasurer.  The Mess Committee shall be entitled to determine from time to time the ratio of the members' subscriptions to the revenue obtained from sales so as to achieve an income level which shall be sufficient to cover the costs and expenses of the Mess.  The Hon. Treasurer will keep accounts and will present the same to the Mess Committee at any time upon demand. The accounts will be made up and closed on 31st March each year and will be audited by two full members of the Mess who are not members of the Mess Committee.  The accounts will be drawn up by reference to Government's general accounting rules.  A Balance Sheet showing a summary of assets and liabilities of the Mess will be tabled by the Hon. Treasurer at Annual General Meetings of the Mess.



Members' accounts will be rendered monthly, and will contain the subscriptions for the month, charges for the previous month, and any other charges as directed by the Mess Committee.  Should any accounts remain unpaid on the last day of the month in which they were despatched, the member shall receive notice drawing his or her attention to that fact, and the member's account revised to include a surcharge at a rate to be determined from time to time by the Mess Committee.  Such members shall continue to pay subscriptions but shall not be permitted to use the Mess facilities until outstanding accounts have been paid.



Mess funds shall be held in accounts with recognized banks in the name of the Hong Kong Police Senior Officers' Mess.



Full Members


Full members will pay a monthly subscription at a sum to be decided from time to time by the Mess Committee and approved by a majority of members at a General Meeting.


Associate Members


Associate members will pay a monthly subscription at a sum to be decided from time to time by the Mess Committee and approved by a majority of members at a General Meeting.


Temporary Members


Temporary members will pay a monthly subscription at a sum to be decided from time to time by the Mess Committee.


Life and Honorary Members


No monthly subscription shall be charged.


Absent Members


During vacation leave or other periods of absence from Hong Kong no class of member will be required to pay subscriptions in respect of any one or more complete calendar months of absence, provided the Hon. Secretary has been informed in writing in advance of the absence.



Full members shall be entitled to an official presentation from other full members:



On completion of employment with the Hong Kong Police Force having served continuously for a period of not less than 10 years and having been a full member of the Mess for not less than three years. The term 'completion of employment' shall not include dismissal, an order to resign, compulsory retirement, retirement in the public interest, or non-renewal of agreement/contract by reason of unsatisfactory performance.



At any time when the presentation is appointed by the Mess Committee.


Each full member shall contribute to the presentation by payment through his or her monthly account, or by other means as directed by the Mess Committee, at an amount to be determined at a General Meeting from time to time.



In the event of any liability or debt being incurred, whether as a result of conducting the affairs of the Mess or entering into a contract or agreement pursuant to Article VII or otherwise, such liability or debt shall be, instead of being borne by the Mess Committee or any member thereof, borne equally by all full members of the Mess at the time the liability is incurred and if such liability or debt is in excess of Mess funds, such deficit shall be borne equally by all full members of the Mess.  The Mess Committee shall be entitled to consider and subscribe to such insurance policies or coverages on behalf of the Mess which is necessary to protect the interest of the Mess and Mess members against liabilities inclusive but not limited to such in relation to the compensation and/or liability to the agent(s), employee(s) and/or the public.



If a majority of the full members present at a General Meeting vote that the Mess should be dissolved, the Committee will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider such a proposal.


The Mess shall be dissolved if 75 per cent of the full members present at the Extraordinary General Meeting vote accordingly


Any assets remaining after any liabilities and debts of the Mess have been discharged shall be donated to the Hong Kong Police Welfare Fund



Changes to the Constitution must be ratified at a General Meeting of the Mess, and by a simple majority of the full members present.



Any membership of the Mess will be suspended if:



a member is interdicted from duty, or



having regard to all the circumstances, the Mess Committee considers this course of action to be in the best interests of the Mess.


Suspended members will not be charged a subscription for the period of their suspension. Suspended members shall not be entitled to use any facility of the Mess. They will not be permitted to attend organized Mess functions unless with the prior approval of the Mess Committee. They shall have no voting rights at General Meetings of the Mess.



Full members who are dismissed, ordered to resign, compulsorily retired, retired in the public interest, or whose agreement/contract is not renewed by reason of unsatisfactory performance will have their membership of the Mess terminated and will not be invited to become life members.


On a proposal with reasons from the Mess Committee, a majority of full members at a General Meeting of the Mess may agree to terminate the membership of a full, life or honorary member.


The membership of an associate member may be terminated at any time by the Mess Committee without giving any reason therefor.


The membership of a temporary member may be terminated at any time by the Mess Committee without giving any reason therefor.